  • 【Menstruation Cycle月经周期】

    Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you understand a lot about your health. Irregular menstruation cycle means the cycle is shortened or delayed for more than a week for 3 consecutive cycles and above.

  • Digestive Disorders 中医治胃病

    Digestive Disorders Based on TCM perspective, the digestive system is responsible for transforming food/nutrients into Qi (energy) and blood, which is the essential basis for good health. Irregular lifestyle, stress and improper diet may deteriorate the digestive system.  

  • Agaricus Blazei (Brazilian Mushroom) 姬松茸 (巴西蘑菇)

    Agaricus blazei (Brazilian mushroom) is a type of medicinal mushroom grown in Brazil, Japan, and China. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases, including infections, allergy, and cancer.

  • Tea Tree Mushrooms 茶树菇

    Tea tree mushroom offers a good source of protein, as well as 8 different kinds of essential amino acids, abundant of vitamins and minerals. Tea tree mushroom helps in kidney deficiency, chronic nephritis, edema and other diseases, cholesterol-lowering, and have anti-cancer effects.
