• Snow Lotus Seed Soup for Tasting 雪莲子糖水品尝会

Snow Lotus Seed helps to enhance your beauty, relieve the heat, and nourish the lung. Come join us this Sunday for our Snow Lotus Seed Soup tasting event at our SS15 and USJ store! 
Date: 12th November 2017 in SS15 & USJ
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Hope to see you then! 


雪莲子有助于美容养颜、清热降火、滋阴润肺。这个星期天,我们在SS15 以及USJ的分店将会有雪莲子糖水品尝会。届时,你就可以亲自品尝雪莲子的味道,并深入了解它的功效。
日期:1112日在SS15 USJ分店


Snow Lotus Seed Soup for Tasting 雪莲子糖水品尝会
